Great insight for press release

This blog by Lisa Goldsberry is very interesting to me for the simple reason, I will be creating many press releases in my future career. Press releases are extremely important in most businesses these days. Many companies try to create a successful press release, however, they still end up getting it wrong and fail to get the coverage they want. This is an issue when working in Public Relations. Lisa gave some great ideas and concerns for being successful when dealing with press releases.

Some examples for why most press releases fail include: they are not newsworthy and this makes it a waste of everyone’s time. Stories that are likely to get coverage are a unique business model, engaging personalities who have received training on how to speak to the media in an interview, corporate social responsibility efforts, a breakout product in a new environment, and stories with a strong community.

Many people make the mistake of sending a release to a wrong reporter. I have seen this happen many times. When someone covers business and is sent a press on music, they aren’t going to do anything with the information. Even is they do send it out, it will be to the wrong audience. Many PR’s give away the ending of the story, with most journalists want information they can build on. Makes sense. Another problem is when companies send press releases as advertisements instead of news. Some great questions that Lisa crafted for someone creating a press release include:

  • What is the main focus of the press release?
  • Who benefits from the distribution of this news?
  • Why is this information important and relevant?
  • How will the general public perceive this information?

This is all information that’s relevant and great food for thought. Some examples of making a press release more interesting include taking the time to create an amazing headline or title, include visuals, tell an unique story, hire the right PR agency to help, and don’t make the press release an advertisement.

Top 4 reasons your press releases don’t get coverage –

Erickson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development

Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development is one of the best known theories of personality in psychology. This theory describes the impact that past social experiences have throughout a person’s life.

There are eight stages total which all consist of a conflict and important events to be faced. The first stage is infancy, from birth to 18 months. The most important event in the phase of life is feeding. This is where the infant will decide whether or not to trust their caregiver. If a child isn’t given proper care from someone who they feel isn’t reliable and affectionate enough they tend to mistrust their caregiver.

The second stage is early childhood, from 2 to 3 years old. During this stage it is important for a child to gain control over their physical skills to gain a sense of independence. This is where toilet training comes in. If a child fails at this they feel a sense of shame and if they are a success they feel a sense of self-sufficiency.

Preschool is the next stage. From 3 to 5 years old, it is important for the child to begin to explore. They should try to assert power and control in their environment. When they succeed they will feel important and needed. If they fail they will feel a sense of guilt.

From ages 6 to 11 years old, children will begin to attend school where they will need to meet new academic and social needs. When children do well in school they feel successful and when they don’t do well they feel lower than the other students.

During adolescence, from 12 to 18 years old, a teenager should begin making new social relationships. They will learn more about themselves and who they want to be. When they do not succeed, it can lead to role confusion and a sense of not knowing themselves. However, when they succeed it will lead to them being able, and wanting to stay true to themselves.

The next stage, young adulthood from 19 years old to 40 years old is where a person should feel the conflict of intimacy vs. isolation. This is the stage where young adults should begin to form intimate and loving relationships. If they do not succeed they would feel isolated and lonely. If they do have relationships, it should later lead to strong and long lasting relationships.

Middle adulthood is the next stage, from 40 to 65 years old. This is where adults should be welcomed to the workforce and parenthood. They should create something that will outlast them. This can either be having children or being a part of change that will benefit others. When a person succeeds in this stage they should feel accomplished and useful. When they do not succeed, they will feel as if they are not involved in the world and have nothing good to offer.

The last stage, maturity, from 65 years old to death, is the stage where a person is to reflect on their life. At this stage a person should look back on their life and feel as if they have had a lot to offer and have done all they wanted. If they do not have a sense of self-fulfillment they will have feelings of regret and bitterness.


I have always been amazed of the stages of life…. Interesting, worth researching some more.





Disaster Preparedness Awareness

Prepare now in the event of an evacuation.

Evacuations are more common than many people realize. Fires and floods cause evacuations most frequently across the U.S. and almost every year, people along coastlines evacuate as hurricanes approach. In addition, hundreds of times a year, transportation and industrial accidents release harmful substances, forcing many people to leave their homes.

A basic emergency supply kit could include the following recommended items:

  • ,Water one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation
  • Food,  at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
  • Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Whistle to signal for help
  • Dust mask to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter in place.
  • Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
  • Manual can opener for food
  • Local maps
  • Cell phone with chargers, inverter or solar charger
  • Once you have gathered the supplies for a basic emergency kit, you may want to consider adding the following items:
    • Prescription medications and glasses
    • Infant formula and diapers
    • Pet food and extra water for your pet
    • Cash or traveler’s checks and change
    • Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records in a waterproof, portable container.
    • Emergency reference material such as a first aid book.
    • Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person. Consider additional bedding if you live in a cold-weather climate.
    • Complete change of clothing including a long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy shoes. Consider additional clothing if you live in a cold-weather climate.
    • Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper – When diluted, nine parts water to one part bleach, bleach can be used as a disinfectant. Or in an emergency, you can use it to treat water by using 16 drops of regular household liquid bleach per gallon of water. Do not use scented, color safe or bleaches with added cleaners.
    • Fire extinguisher
    • Matches in a waterproof container
    • Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items
    • Mess kits, paper cups, plates, paper towels and plastic utensils
    • Paper and pencil
    • Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children

Come and join us for a night of information and tips for the family on how to survive a disaster! Hope to see you there!

Disaster Preparedness Presentation

Snowboarding Season on the Horizon

Snowboarding Season is here! I am extremely happy to gave the cool weather flowing into New Mexico. I have been snowboarding for years and it is my absolute favorite pass time. To feel the wind in my hair and smell the fresh air is a feeling I long for.
There are many places to board here in New Mexico. One of my all time favorites is Angel Fire. I can purchase a family pass for up to 6 people for $1299.00, includes an unlimited ski and snowboard pass for each member of the family. Slopes in the Land of Enchantment are amazing, with fewer crowded trails and beautiful outdoors.
Cloudcroft, located in the Sacramento Mountains, has been opoerating since 1963. Cloudcroft is a small town, with 800 residents, but don’t let the size fool you! These people know how to ski and snowboard! They have a wonderful Christmas celebration every year that includes a parade and lighting of the Christmas tree.
Taos Ski Valley is another great place to go. This year, they will launch the Kachina Peak Lift, summits at 12,450 feet, and is one of the highest chair lifts in North America. Check it out if you have the opportunity!
Snowboarding is an art of it’s own. I started when I was 10 and have been doing it ever since. Before I climbed the mountain to snowboard, I was advised to start with some basic steps. I started on the beginner slopes, starting near the bottom of the run, strapped into my board in a seated position facing downhill and stood up. I would start down the hill until I came to a stop at the flat land. I would do this several times until I was comfortable, from there I practiced braking with my heel and toes.
Next, I adventured to the top where I practiced my turns, going across on my heel edge, come to stop and point the board downwards to then stop on my toes. Practice definitely makes perfect. I felt comfortable the first day, however, on the second day I went for lessons.
I have been snowboarding now for years, and don’t plan on giving it up anytime soon. There is something about being on top of the world, breathing in the fresh air and riding into the wind! If you’ve never boarded, I recommend checking it out – you won’t look back!



Staff Spotlight

Staff Association at UNMVC is taking part in something really cool. We are recognizing a staff member once a week for some of their outstanding work. I am on the committee that formed this project and I have to admit, its very cool.

We have staff and faculty members that give their all at work. They have great work ethic and come to work every morning with a smile and a great attitude. It’s time for them to be recognized.

I was nominated and had to sit through an interview. Being on the other side of this project was indeed a bit challenging. I was asked many questions. Being that I am a private person, it was difficult for me to answer some of the questions.

When the Spotlight went out on the mail server, I was a bit embarrassed. Not because I was being recognized, but because I was out in the spotlight. As the congratulations emails came through, it was then that I loosened up. What an honor!

Now it was my turn to nominate someone. This was a task in itself. I work with many people that take their job seriously and smile while completely their daily tasks. I was able to narrow it down to one. The interview went well and I noticed they were also shy at first, not willing to give information. The ones that are familiar with social media seemed to answer the questions with ease.

I hope all companies take pride and acknowledge their employees. A pat on the back ever now and then makes for happy workers. I have already noticed a change of attitude around campus for the ones that have been noticed.

The committee has recently purchased signage for “Staff and Faculty of the Month” and we will be raising money to treat these nominees to lunch or dinner. After a recent poll, I have learned that many would be happy with a free cup of coffee and a “job well done.” Happy workers makes for a happy work place!

Staff Spotlight

Ebola Cases

Ebola. This is an epidemic that has created misery across the world. Ebola was discovered in 1976 and was once thought to originate in gorillas, because human outbreaks began after people ate gorilla meat.

Scientists now believe that bats are the natural reservoir for the virus, and that apes and humans catch it from eating food that bats have drooled or defecated on, or by coming in contact with surfaces covered in infected bat droppings and then touching their eyes or mouths. The current outbreak seems to have started in a village near Guéckédou, Guinea, where bat hunting is common, according to Doctors Without Borders.

Nina Pham and Amber Joy Vinson contracted Ebola while treating Thomas Eric Duncan, a Liberian man who traveled to Dallas. Both nurses were with him during what federal health officials have called the highest risk period, when he was vomiting and having diarrhea. By the time Mr. Duncan died, two nurses involved in his treatment were also infected. Mr. Berdan, chief executive of the Texas Health Resources, which operates a network of 25 hospitals here, pushed back against allegations that the hospital failed to articulate the proper infection prevention guidelines to its nursing staff.

At least 17 cases have been treated in Europe and the United States. Most involve health and aid workers who contracted Ebola in West Africa and were transported back to their home country for treatment. Cases shown below are compiled from reports by the C.D.C., the World Health Organization, Doctors Without Borders and other official agencies. More than 400 health care workers in West Africa have been infected with Ebola during the current outbreak, and 233 had died as of Oct. 8.

The head of the group that runs the Texas hospital under scrutiny for mishandling Ebola cases apologized Sunday in full-page ads in local Dallas newspapers, saying the hospital “made mistakes in handling this very difficult challenge.”

ebola outbreak

Ebola panic is spreading quicker than the actual disease. People across the world are in a panic about Ebola. We need to educate ourselves and go from there.

Fall Break Ruidoso 2014

It’s that time of year again – Fall Break. This time of year the seasons are changing and most people are ready for a break from the hustle and bustle of life and all it has to offer. If you live in New Mexico, or anywhere for that matter, Ruidoso is a great place to go. My family and I went over the weekend and we had a blast.
We rented a cabin that had seven bedrooms and two and a half baths. The property was beautiful! Early in the morning, while having coffee and cocoa, we would sit on the upper deck and watch the deer a few feet away from us. The smell of the fresh air was to die for. I would give anything to have a vacation home in Ruidoso. Instead, we rent a cabin 3-4 times a year to get our fix.


There are many events happening in Ruidoso at any time of the year. This weekend, we were able to be a art of the nation’s finest cowboy festival with old west storytellers, noted historians, poets, musicians (including the world famous Texas Playboys), chuck wagon cooks and competitions, chuck wagon cook-offs, western artists and craftsmen, cowboy competitions, horse demonstrations, western swing dancing, kids rodeo and educational activities. My girls had a blast. We had some of the best barbeque ever, made by the finest cowboys around. This was the first year we attended, we will make this an annual event from here on out. There were people from all over the world in little town Ruidoso.

Another attention grabber of this small town is the shopping they have midtown. It is set up for tourists with everything from wood carvings to candles to candy. We walked for two hours enjoying corn in a cup, different types of fudge, shopping for clothes, and even found great places to take photos.


We made reservations at Inn of the Mountain Gods Stables to go horseback riding. When we arrived, the gentleman  said that due to the rain the evening before, we were unable to go riding. It was too much of a liability because of the mud, the horses may slip and fall. Needless to say, we were very disappointed. We were able to walk around the fields and look at the horses. Overall, we had a great time in Ruidoso! If you ever get the opportunity to go, rent a cabin instead of staying in a hotel. You won’t be disappointed.

Parasailing in Hawaii

Hawaii. This had to be the best vacation ever. I plan on going back to Hawaii every other summer to enjoy the flowers, food, and fruit. My best memory includes the active lifestyle that I was able to take part in. We managed to fit in many activities in the thirteen days we were on the Island, to include hiking, running on the beach, jet skiing, golfing, fishing, skiing, surfing, zip lining, snorkeling, and parasailing. My most favorite activity was by far the parasailing. I thought it would be scary, instead it was the most peaceful and serene time of my life.

First we met the captain of the boat to confirm our reservation. He then introduced us to the crew of the ship, three comical guys that kept the adventure amusing. We then loaded on the boat, there were eight of us, and off we went into the ocean. I hadn’t researched parasailing so I was a bit uneasy. I wasn’t sure if we would get pulled out of the water, land in the water, or what. Totally clueless. The captain then explained that we would sit on the back of the boat with our partner (tandem) and our harness is attached to the parasail. As the boat accelerates, I could feel myself going up into the air – flying!

What an amazing feeling. As I watch my family get smaller and smaller, I was able to look around the city at all of the buildings, the beach, and the beautiful Hawaiian skies. I felt like a giant kite. I had my middle daughter with me and she was in awe as well. We were both concerned about the landing, however, the takeoff as well as landing both happen on the boat. They did give us the option to be dunked into the ocean. Again, I thought this would be scary. Not at all! This is one of the best memories of my life!

If you are ever in Hawaii, or at an ocean or lake, I highly recommend parasailing. This is an experience you will never forget, and there’s no experience necessary. My next adventure will be taking off from the beach! Come on Summer 2015!


Hawaii Hawaii 2