Next Steps

Social media…. I have learned so much over the past four months and continue to learn daily. There is a whole entire world out there that I wasn’t aware of. I am intrigued by social media and the many platforms.


How true! Life isn’t about finding yourself, especially when dealing with social media. Its about creating yourself, your brand. I am going to incorporate as many platforms as I can to create my image. I now have the tools to be successful in my future as a communications major.

I am going to use social media to prepare for my life after college. This includes setting up my accounts so I can engage with the world around me. I also plan on taking more courses on social media etiquette as I believe like anything it else, it will change overtime.

I will continue to blog, as it has become an addiction for me. Engaging with others that have the same interests is a fun past time. I will develop a keyword strategy, smile at all times, be vain, rack up recommendations, strategic connections and finally share with those connections.

I am excited about my future and my new love for social media. I am looking forward to what the world has to offer!

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