Death of Print

Death of Print – Knowledge Marketing – The Death of Print has been Greatly Exaggerated


“Death of Print” is well on its way, if not here already. With technology growing the way it has, taking over the world, there is no need for print. Although we will still print from our PC’s, it is easier to bookmark the page and also more cost efficient. Don’t get me wrong, I love to cuddle up to a good book and read the night away. In today’s world, I have a tablet that has replaced that book. In retrospect, the technology has also cut down on costs. I no longer have to purchase a book at the bookstore. I can go online and buy the book for ½ the price I would pay at the bookstore. I no longer purchase newspapers, all the headlines are online. I pay for my Internet and I have the world at my fingertips. Magazines can be purchased digital and the cost is less than the paper edition. Printing will no longer be the primary delivery of news and entertainment. With technology taking off, digital is a better way to receive the news. With my interest in communication and the studies I have taken, this will help my in the future to further my career. Technology plays a huge role in our lives and keeping up with the media will help me to be more successful personally and professionally. Media is used every day in my life and the more knowledgeable I am on the situation, the more successful I will be. This shift is now a norm for society, only 21% of Americans have never been online. The primary reason given is that they have no desire to go online; the second most common reason is that it is too expensive. Other reasons are: It’s too difficult, they have no computer, or they have no access.


The article stated the best way to sum-up the future for print and publishing is a great quote from Susan Glasser, editor of Politico Magazine. She stated, “If you define your publication by the platform on which you publish, you pretty quickly risk irrelevance. I would rather think about it in terms of the audience, content and mission of the publication.”

Print has not died as a content medium.



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